Today is mine and hubby's 25th Silver Wedding Anniversary.....and this is the first in quite a few years I have remembered. We are not big on celebrating anything...but seeing as this one is a milestone we thought we would do something so we are going out to dinner and then probably later in the month we might stay at the beach for a couple of days. It wont be any longer than that as we have 7 furbabies and numerous birds who depend on us and to be honest I always get a little homesick when I am away. Our 28 years together have been anything but smooth.....we have had a few quite bad patches but we have managed to get through those and came back stronger. But I will let you in on our secret for a successful marriage......are you ready.....if you can commit to this you will never have problems wont be easy.....nothing good ever it is........Have Separate TV Rooms!!!! Best thing we ever did...he can flick til his heart content from sport channel to sport channel and I can watch whatever movie or show that takes my fancy from every tear jerker to musical I want....Ta Da!
Here are a few vintage Anniversary cards I found on pinterest