Saturday, March 28, 2015

~ New Blog Look~

I have changed my blog look...again!  I love change, and  love this simple clean look.  Less clutter more focus on the pictures and if I could just apply that rule to my house........

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  1. Michelle- When I open your blog (and I have a big screen) the whole right side of your blog is cut off. For instance, under Welcome-- I can only see- Sharing all thing,s and that's it. Just thought I would let you know. xo Diana

    1. Oh thank you for that Diana....I wonder why that is just the standard blogger design Simple.....maybe its because I have adjusted the widths...hmmmm. Ok maybe I need to do some tweeking. thank you so much for letting me know ✿


✿¸ Thankyou for taking the time to stop by ~Shabby Delights~ your comments are most welcome ✿¸