Saturday, August 6, 2011

~How Time Passes~

Do you ever look back and wonder where the time went?  My life just seems to be so busy with nothing and everything, and I just dont seem to be actually aclomplishing anything either and yet things are still being done.  Maybe thats just winter.   We had a sneak peak at spring the other day with a beautiful sunny 23C and I just couldnt stay inside.  I managed to weed a  large section of the garden, hung the washing in the sun instead of under cover and went for a long walk with my daughter.   A most productive day indeed because the next day was back to winter.
And now for some pink thanx to Miss Beverly as always at ~How Sweet The Sound~
I am having some decorating dilemas with my sideboard....just cant get it to look any and all suggestions are welcome no matter what.  If you can think of maybe what I should have eg books, teacups or offer links with ideas I would be most grateful.  Please help if you can.  Have a wonderful shabby weekend.
